Section: Dissemination


  • Erven Rohou co-advised a MSc. student at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology.

  • Erven Rohou was a member of the working group GTInria2020 whose mission was to produce the next “Plan Stratégique”.

  • Erven Rohou is a member of the Inria CDT (Commission du Développement Technologique)

  • As “correspondant scientifique des relations internationales” for Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, Erven Rohou is a member of the Inria COST GTRI (Groupe de Travail "Relations Internationales" du Comité d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique).

  • Erven Rohou served as an expert for “Région Aquitaine”

  • A. Seznec is an elected member of the scientific committee of Inria.

  • A. Seznec has been nominated by ACM for 3 years 2011-2013 on the selection committee for the ACM-IEEE Eckert-Mauchly award.

  • F. Bodin has participated to the Allistene committee on "Préparation de la Stratégie Nationale de Recherche pour le Numérique".

  • F. Bodin is a member of the Advisory board of the LPGPU European Project.